Varicose Vein Myths

Lumen Cardiovascular Specialists
Care and Treatment of varicose veins including spider veins.

5 Varicose Vein Myths Exposed

Varicose Vein Myth Number 1
You can get varicose veins from crossing your legs.

You can get varicose veins from crossing your legs. Fact or Fiction?
Answer: Fiction.
Varicose veins are not caused by crossing your legs.

Varicose Vein Myth Number 2
Massage can cure varicose veins.

Massage can cure varicose veins. Fact or Fiction?
Answer: Fiction.
Massage of varicose veins should be avoided except in very specific and rare cases.

Varicose Vein Myth Number 3
All Varicose Veins are Visible.

All varicose veins are visible. Fact or Fiction?
Answer: Fiction.
Not all varicose veins are visible. Sometimes they are invisible and cause discomfort and swelling. Many times patients are diagnosed with other medical problems while
the problem is varicose veins causing pain at night time.

We hope you are enjoying this information about varicose veins.

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    More Varicose Vein Myths Exposed

    Varicose vein myths continues.

    Varicose Vein Myth Number 4
    Varicose Vein Treatment Is Painful.

    Varicose Vein Treatment Is Painful. Fact or Fiction?
    Answer: Fiction.
    Newer modalities special closure agents allow for painless treatment of varicose veins.

    Varicose Vein Myths Number 5
    Varicose Veins Can Be Hereditary.

    Varicose Veins Can Be Hereditary.
    Answer: Fact.
    It is true that Varicose Veins can be passed on do to heredity.

    We’ll there you have it.
    5 Varicose Vein Myths exposed and debunked!

    Please fell free to use the form above to contact our staff to schedule a consultation on our full compliment of varicose vein treatments, including spider vein treatment.

    Just fill out the form click on submit and one of our staff will contact you to schedule your consultation appointment.

    Call Lumen Cardiovascular Specialists at (630) 869-0888
    If this is an emergency please dial 911.

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